“Unbroken” directed by Angelina Jolie and starring Jack O’Connell is on its...
“Unbroken” directed by Angelina Jolie and starring Jack O’Connell is on its way to Oscar gold. Today, both in New York and Los Angeles, there were screenings for the press and the Screen Actors Guild...
View ArticleA December Oscar Predictions Update
Well, the calendar has turned to December folks, so now we’re getting serious here in terms of Oscar predictions. Precursor awards are in full swing now, so expect the Academy Award picture to begin...
View ArticleOscar stock watch: 5 contenders up and 5 contenders down
With an almost daily influx of awards to make note of, this is the sort of time where things change for Oscar contenders quickly. As such, I wanted to try out a new segment, where I periodically take...
View ArticleThe Golden Globe nominations are led by “Birdman”
Bright and early this morning, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced their 2015 Golden Globe award nominations. Leading the charge this year was Birdman, while other films like Boyhood,...
View ArticleUpdated Oscar predictions after the Golden Globe and SAG announcements
Happy Friday everyone! With the nominations for the Golden Globe awards and the Screen Actors Guild awards really giving a bit more shape to the Academy Award race, I thought it was time to break in a...
View ArticleWhich film will lead the nomination totals for Oscar this year?
As we move closer to the Academy Awards announcing their nominations, it bears mentioning that we don’t yet know which movie will lead the nomination totals when all is said and done. Most years,...
View ArticleWhat the PGA nominations mean for the Best Picture race
Yesterday, the Producers Guild of America (or PGA) announced their nominations, which essentially are the clearest precursor to the Oscar Best Picture lineup that you can get in an awards season....
View ArticleMaking sense of the Academy Award nominations
Wow. After all that build up, including months of analysis, the Academy still managed to surprise us. I knew that we were going to get a shocker or two, but early this morning the Oscar nominations...
View ArticleThe tenuous nature of being an early Academy Award frontrunner
It’s hardly a brand new sentiment to express, but you really can never script Oscar season. No matter how you think the awards race is going to go, at least to some degree it always turns out...
View ArticleRoger Deakins continues to prove he’s the best cinematographer working today
Over at the Cannes Film Festival, the buzz seems to change each and every single day to the fancy new toy, or in this case…movie. Recently, the big exciting debut was Sicario, which got some of the...
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